What We Believe


1. Borderless Love ~ Romans 8:32

We unconditionally embrace all people with the open arms of Jesus no matter who they are or where they have been!

2. Boundless Grace ~ Romans 5:20, 6:14, 2 Corinthians 5:16

We keep no record of failure because God's love is bigger than our sin. Without judgement we point people to the infinite supply of power to live free.

3. Worship Culture ~ Romans 12:1, 2 Samuel 24:24

We believe true worship is more than a song; it is an obedient heart that is unwilling to offer God something that cost us nothing! This results in a passionate display of love for God.

4. Spiritual Influencers ~ 2 Corinthians 5:18~20, Ephesians 3:10

We believe our responsibility is to represent the Gospel of Christ. We are more than spiritual consumers; we are spiritual contributors. The Church exists, not for itself, but for the world.

5. Discipleship Living ~ Matthew 28:18~20, John 8:31~32

We believe every believer should be continually transforming and growing in Christ, learning to obey God's word and teaching others to do the same.

6. Crazy Faith ~ Hebrews 11

Though it seems crazy and makes no sense, we boldly step out on every word spoken to us by God! We commit to never insult God by shrinking back from what he has clearly told us we are to accomplish.

7. Generous Giving ~ Acts 20:35, Luke 6:38

We will lead the way in extravagant generosity because we truly believe it is more blessed to give then to receive.

8. Represent Excellence ~ Colossians 3:23, Psalm 150:2 

God is an excellent God; representing his excellence doesn't happen on accident. Therefore, with an excellent effort, we plan, organize and execute.

9. Leadership Empowerment 

We don't recruit volunteers; we empower servant leaders to run with vision. Volunteers do good things, but leaders change the world.

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